Select a Link Graphic

To select a link to include on your web page:

If you can handle a ZIP file:

Just click on the image. Your browser will FTP a ZIP file to you that you can save on your hard drive. The ZIP file contains the graphic and a text file containing sample HTML code.

If the ZIP file doesn't work for you:

Follow these directions:
  1. Right click on the image you like. (The dimensions and size are listed next to the image.)
  2. Save the image with the other images for your web page.
  3. Add the following code to your links page (replace italicized text with the name and dimensions of the image selected.):

    <a href=""><img src="image file name" width=width height=height alt="Rich's Photo Albums" border=0></a>

Rich's Photo Albums120x60 - 3.36K Rich's Photo Albums108x136 - 6.47K
Rich's Photo Albums110x80 - 9.12K Rich's Photo Albums200x140 - 21.6K
